begin with PASS
I want PASS to warmly welcome our new employees, to take them under our wing, teach them some things to start their career in our organization in the right direction. Inform them about how to progress in their on-the-job training, help them understand their pay and benefits, including their TSP account, so they are maximizing their available benefits.
When we "begin with PASS" we will demonstrate to our employees that we are investing in them and their success is a shared goal for the employee, the Agency, and PASS.
be in with PASS
"I want a house with a crowded table"
— The Highwomen
I want PASS to be inclusive, to be crucial participants in all sorts of projects that affect our members and the bargaining unit as a whole.
I believe the contributions of our members can be so influential that non members will seek membership just to share the same table we occupy. I want us to have that crowded table that always has room for one more.
I believe getting our membership actively engaged as project participants, representatives, SMEs, and Chapter Leaders will develop our leadership team and grow and prepare our union for the future.
I want us to have fun! I want to make being a PASS member fun and that fun should be infectious.
I believe that we can show our value so often that non-members can't help but join us.
I know, like a concert choir, the more of us singing in unison, the louder and stronger we become.
I know we are better together and together, we are unstoppable!
be with PASS
I envision PASS will become Indispensable to our Workforce & to the Agency and will be the go-to authority in all things aviation.
I want to prove our worth to Agency leadership and I believe we can show the Agency how to lead.
If we document with laser focused precision issues that affect our bargaining unit employees, the flying public, or the industry as a whole to the agency and/or to our elected representatives there is nothing anyone can do to refute our position. This documentation will become essential to maintaining our integrity into backing up our positions historically as issues become out of control of the agency’s hands.
While emails are great for day-to-day communication sometimes issues need to be documented in a more formal letter style sent to either the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator for Aviation Safety, or the Executive Director of the Flight Standards Service.
As we become an indispensable resource, we will be the first name in Aviation Safety in the industry, media and legislative arenas and all those interested in a safe National Airspace System will want to “be with PASS.”