What people are saying.
"I fully believe Ben will continue to work for the membership and provide the professionalism that PASS needs over next 3 years."
— Mike Perrone, PASS National President
Brothers and Sisters,
As National President, I am endorsing Ben Struck for Regional Vice President for Region 4. Ben has stepped up after the former RVP left the position before his term was up. Per the PASS constitution, the PASS Executive Board selected a temporary RVP to fill in the remaining time. We reviewed the volunteers who submitted their resumes. Ben was unanimously voted to be RVP.
Ben has been available to the National Office for media and legislative inquires on a timely basis. When the media or legislative staffers reach out, there is a short window to get answers for them. He also makes sure the information is accurate before advising me or our staff. Some of the previous AVS RVPs and Assistants didn’t respond timely or at all. Credibility is something we have both in the media and on the hill. My Predecessor and myself have testified on AVS issues and have never been challenged by the FAA, media or legislators for not having our facts correct. Ben has redesigned working with the RBAs and having more productive meetings with written agendas to utilize their time and others who attend from the National Office. He has acted professionally and provides input at Executive Board meetings for the Region 4 membership.
Even though I am retiring and PASS members will have a new executive board and leadership at the National Office, I fully believe Ben will continue to work for the membership and provide the professionalism that PASS needs over the next 3 years.
I wish the best for PASS not only in this election cycle but for many years to come.
Mike Perrone
PASS National President
"I am writing to share my personal endorsement for the Region IV Vice President (RVP), Mr. Benjamin Struck. In these trying times, we are fortunate to have the right person for right now.”
— Mary Oaks, CA3
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am writing to share my personal endorsement for the Region IV Vice President (RVP), Mr. Benjamin Struck. In these trying times, we are fortunate to have the right person for right now.
As a 15+ year member of PASS, I have the privilege of serving in multiple roles to support the Contract, the Members, and all BUEs. I am honored to serve as a Principal Office Representative for a FSDO, an alternate for another, the PASS AVS Western-Pacific OSHECCOM Representative, and the National Legislative Chair. In addition, I served as the alternate/delegated Western-Pacific Regional Business Agent (RBA), Principal Office Representative for multiple FSDOs, California Chapter (CA-3) Region IV Vice President, and National Legislative Committee Member for Region IV.
I’ve been privileged to work with members and leaders throughout all of the PASS Regions, giving me a small, but meaningful, insight into the roles and responsibilities of our national leaders.
In the time Ben has served as an RBA and RVP, I have personally witnessed him demonstrate strong leadership capabilities, extraordinary competency, and personal passion in his work for PASS.
• Mutual Respect – Ben is an open-minded leader who demonstrates mutual respect when working with PASS stakeholders and agency leadership. He considers all sides of an issue, and strives to find innovative and mutually beneficial solutions to issues. In his decision-making, Ben articulates the facts relied upon, and his decision-making process.
• Humility - When a party disagrees, Ben is humble, respectful, and receptive to feedback on why the party disagrees. Ben acknowledges his shortcomings. Ben does not make ego-driven decisions, nor allows negative feedback to impact his working relationships.
• Rebuilding Bridges - Ben has worked tirelessly to rebuild severed ties between members and agency leadership, and regain mutual respect, allowing PASS to enter into upcoming Contract negotiations on a stable footing.
• Transparency – Since Ben’s appointment to RVP, I have seen new and refreshing transparency with members. During these difficult times, Ben has kept all Region IV members up-to-date on COVID Policies, Reporting, and Protocols, and holds meetings open to all members.
• Represents the Membership – Ben has demonstrated his ability to represent all members within AVS. Ben possesses strong knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the many AVS LOB employees PASS Region IV represents outside of Flight Standards, whose members often feel forgotten.
The RVP directly interfaces with the other RVPS, the Secretary-Treasurer, National President, and PASS Staff. Ben's knowledge, demonstrated accomplishments, desire to grow, and humility allow him to seamlessly interface within the group, and communicate to resolve Region IV’s needs effectively within the larger organization.
As AVS Contract negotiations begin, and Return to the Workplace plans are negotiated and implemented, cooler heads must prevail. Ben has the perfect balance of mutual respect and assertiveness to effectively negotiate for our continued employment and safety protections, and bargain for better. Further, should PASS be requested to testify before Congress (as has occurred in the past), Ben is the candidate best suited to represent our group, and our union, by articulating our position well, both technically and professionally.
Members have a tough decision on their hands. There are great candidates whom I have met, and deeply respect. However, having considered what is best for the members and the union, Ben is the person for the job.
Whomever you choose this year, remember every vote counts. Now is a critical time for PASS, and we need a solid leader to represent us.
The RVP position desperately needs a leader who demonstrates these traits, is passionate and dedicated to the PASS Mission, and is motivated by the mission, not themselves. Ben is this leader.
Mary Oaks
“From where I sit, you’ve tried to do the right things for the right reasons and at the end of the day it’s what matters most.”
— Dave Spero, PASS Region II VP
Prior to your selection as the interim Region IV Vice President we have had limited interaction. I have been through several election campaign seasons and realize the stress it sometimes can cause a candidate. Given that the remaining time of this elected term has almost concluded I wanted to take an opportunity to pass along some better cheer by sharing my observations of, and professional experiences with you as a member of the PASS Executive Board. As you know, I was one of the Board members that voted to name you as the interim Regional Vice President upon the retirement of Mike Gonzales. Some candidates that were presented to us were quite impressive. You were among that class of candidates. The Executive Board voted for you unanimously. That should tell you something about how you were perceived from the start.
Upon your appointment, you took the job very seriously. Your eloquence, organizational skills and ability to communicate were self-evident from day one. I see you as a logical and careful thinker and tremendous facilitator. You are not prone to anger, are open minded and an extremely quick learner. Having been at many, I can tell you that Executive Board meetings are often peppered with sharp debate and strong opinions. You quickly shed the “new guy” label as you delved courageously into PASS constitutional language, interpretation and policy debate without hesitation. It was a heavy lift and you made it look easy.
I’ve also observed your engagement with the membership on a regular basis. You make every effort to attend all Chapter meetings or phone calls regardless of how late in the evening it might be where you are. As a bonus, you have brought a smile and charisma to the face of our union at the Region IV level. That’s lifted us all up, even if just a little bit. From the labor relations perspective, I have stayed abreast of your activity and body of work. I can say it has been difficult and it has been significant at once, and you have handled it as well as any I’ve seen during my time on the Executive Board.
Regardless of who the membership elects to the Region IV VP position, I wanted to thank you for the work you have done in a short period of time. It has been remarkable and refreshing to see. I also want you to know that I believe your integrity is beyond reproach and any inference or suggestion to the contrary would not only be unfair, it would be in error. If it happens during the campaign season, I wouldn’t give it much weight. From where I sit, you’ve tried to do the right things for the right reasons and at the end of the day it’s what matters most.
If I am elected as the PASS National President I will work with whomever the membership elects for Region IV VP, with professionalism and with the best interest of our members in mind. I expect they will do so as well. I know that if you are elected, that attitude will be reciprocal. You’re a class act and I have appreciated the opportunity to work with you these past seven months.
In solidarity,
Dave Spero
"Ben is a fighter in a way that earns respect and keeps the doors of communication open and flowing freely between PASS and the FAA.... Ben listens to us all. He fights for us all."
— Susan Traugott Ludwig, TM2
Hello to Region IV fraternal family,
I am writing this email to everyone to talk about our current Region IV Vice President, Ben Struck. I had the privilege of serving you, Region IV and our VP Ben Struck as a National Assistant for many months earlier this year. With that experience, I was able to see what type of a leader Ben is. He has a pure, selfless passion for serving and working extremely hard at healing some very broken relationships within the FAA and PASS. I will list some instances or examples of his leadership and how his leadership effects all of us in a very positive way.
▪︎ Communication is key. Ben implemented weekly calls with FAA Leadership board, the Air Carrier Safety Assurance and General Aviation Safety Assurance. In the beginning, it was easy to see that the FAA members of these groups really had very little interest in speaking with Ben and the National team. They were very reluctant to actually talk of any important subjects that effect the bargaining unit employees. Ben was able to hold each and everyone of the FAA teams accountable for key persons not engaging and actually getting on the calls/zoom meetings, and requesting weekly updates on subjects that PASS brought to the meetings for resolution. Soon, Ben began to win their trust and respect. The FAA leadership teams began to talk constructively and discussed critical information of situations in the field offices, headquarters, certificate management offices on areas that directly affect the bargaining unit employees. As well as FAA’s plans for Flight Standards future. All which affect us, our employment and our mission purpose. Ben is instrumental in ensuring that our futures are protected, our employment and pay grades are protected, our federal benefits are protected, our rights are protected.▪︎ Ben implemented a monthly Region IV call open to all members and non-members to attend. This call is an opportunity to meet with Ben, the National Assistants and PASS National team guests. In all the years I have been with the FAA and PASS, there has not been a more positive engagement from PASS National to the bargaining unit employees.
▪︎ Ben has also implemented a weekly update through the PASS News Now email that I hope you all have been reading. Really great information is relayed by Ben on these news updates.
▪︎ Ben sends weekly email updates to all active members on valuable information such as PASS solicitations of work groups, convention information, upcoming CBA negotiation team organization, information regarding FAA plans on reorganization’s of divisions and field office structures.
▪︎ Ben has implemented week calls/zoom meetings with your Regional Business Agents and headquarters Principal Reps to discuss field issues and collectively discuss strategic plans on how to present these issues to the FAA and present PASS’ views on resolutions of the issues. He holds the FAA accountable for timely responses and present PASS with their path for resolution. Which many of the FAA’s paths for resolution are not found acceptable by Ben or the RBA’s/Reps, then other avenues are implemented by Ben.
There are many, many other reasons I will be voting for Ben Struck for PASS Region IV Vice President this August. There are just way too many reasons to list in this email. When it comes down to the nitty gritty, Ben is a very positive leader, he leads with his passion, his knowledge, his ability to communicate effectively and get positive results and resolutions while protecting each and every one of us. Ben is a fighter in a way that earns respect and keeps the doors of communication open and flowing freely between PASS and the FAA and between Ben and our noble servants, the RBA’s and Reps as well as all bargaining unit employees who contact Ben directly through emails or calls. Ben listens to us all. He fights for us all.
I am available via email, reach out to me if you need additional information or thoughts concerning Ben and his leadership.
Vote for Ben!
Susan Traugott Ludwig
"Ben Struck is the only candidate that has the necessary skillsets, emotional intelligence and logical level-headed approach to managing Region IV’s affairs for the upcoming three-year term and beyond."
— Dave Schumacher, PASS Region IV National Assistant
Dear PASS Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great pleasure and enthusiastic support that I endorse the candidacy of Ben Struck for election as Region IV Vice President.
For the last five and a half years, it has been my distinct honor and privilege to serve the Region IV Vice-President and the membership as a National Assistant. During my tenure, I have gained valuable insight and a keen understanding of the knowledge, skills, qualities and attributes a person must possess to effectively manage the business of Region IV. In my humble opinion, Ben Struck is the only candidate that has the necessary skillsets, emotional intelligence and logical level-headed approach to managing Region IV’s affairs for the upcoming three-year term and beyond.
Article Three “Organizational Structure”, Section 6 “Regional Vice-Presidents”, Subsection (b) of the PASS Constitution outlines the duties of the Regional Vice-Presidents. The PASS Constitution states, “The Regional Vice-Presidents shall administer the affairs of their respective Regions and shall implement all policies established by the constitution and the PASS Executive Board. The Regional Vice-Presidents shall provide guidance and assistance to all levels of representatives within their respective purview.”
After Mike Gonzales’ retirement late last year, the PASS Executive Board unanimously selected Ben Struck to take over the leadership position of Region IV. Since assuming the Region IV Vice-President position in January of 2021, Ben Struck has had remarkable success in implementing changes to Region IV business practices. This was no small achievement. For example, in seven short months, Ben Struck has made substantial changes to the methodology Region IV uses to communicate with the membership.
From my perspective, the choice for Region IV Vice President is crystal clear and I strongly urge you to vote for Ben Struck and allow him to finish the job he has already started. He is the right person at the right time to lead Region IV moving forward.
Dave Schumacher
PASS Region IV National Assistant
"Ben Struck leads by example and proudly serves all of our PASS Brothers and Sisters each and every day. He brings the necessary communication and leadership skills that are needed to successfully lead our Region for the next 3 years."
— Grant Gillian, Region IV National Assistant & Mid Central (MC3) Chapter Vice President
Dear PASS Brothers and Sisters,
As a longtime Region IV PASS Member (23 years), I proudly endorse and support Ben Struck for PASS Region IV Vice President. Ben has impeccable leadership skills and expert labor/management knowledge in leading PASS Region IV.
In just a few days PASS members will be receiving a PASS National Election Ballot in the mail. This ballot is for the election of new PASS National Positions that will lead our union into the future. This election comes at a critical time when the PASS AVS Collective Bargaining Agreement is set to expire in December of this year.
With that said, I’d like to share some of my thoughts on Ben Struck, Candidate, for Region IV Vice President. I have known Ben for approximately 6 years and served with him when he was the Region IV Eastern Region RBA. In January 2021, Ben was unanimously selected and appointed by the PASS Executive Board as the new Region IV Vice President after the previous RVP retired.
Immediately, Ben Struck went to work making sure that the FAA Headquarters employees that were previously part of the AFSCME union, and are now represented by PASS, had a voice in their Union. Ben has established a monthly all-hands call open to all active members on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This call allows for our membership to actively engage with our PASS Leadership on a routine monthly basis.
When Ben Struck became the Region IV Vice President he needed to re-establish the weekly meetings with the FSLB and the Directors of each line of business within Flight Standards. Prior to Ben, these meetings were spotty at best, unproductive, and half the time unattended.
Ben knew that meeting weekly with the Agency was critical to the success of PASS and our Bargaining Unit. Again, these meetings happen and are attended by the people that are supposed to attend these meetings “every week” between PASS Region IV and the Agency. In my 23 years of being a PASS Member, I have never heard of that type of consistency within PASS, and that’s the kind of leadership Ben Struck brings to the table.
Ben Struck leads by example and proudly serves all of our PASS Brothers and Sisters each and every day. He brings the necessary communication and leadership skills that are needed to successfully lead our Region for the next 3 years.
Finally, I not only call Ben Struck a PASS Brother, but I also call him a true “Friend”. Please stand with me and vote for Ben Struck as PASS Region IV Vice President.
Grant Gillian
PASS Region IV National Assistant
"Ben is what we are as PASS. He has unquestioned (P)assion for delivering and fighting for our rights! He holds the Agency (A)ccountable! He’s (S)teady and (S)trong!"
— Ezra P. “Ez” Atkins, AFB-700 RBA & PASS National Safety Committee Member
I would first like to introduce myself to the bargaining unit. I am Ezra P. Atkins, RBA for AFB-700, US Civil Aviation Registry. This election cycle has been very informative, and all candidates have shared their visions on how they may lead us into the future. I like to share some of my background/experience to provide some context to why I’m endorsing Ben Struck. I too, like many of you, am a veteran who served this great country. I am a two-time Awarded Combat Action Patch recipient while serving with Special Operations in combat in the Southwest and Southeast Asia in the United States Air Force prior to retirement in 2014. During my service, I was a Security Forces Journeyman/Military Police. I’ve served under many leaders… some good and some bad in my opinion. I’ve held countless operational staffing positions at the Squadron and Headquarters level stateside and abroad during my time of service, so I understand duty, commitment, and sacrifice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those who have served in the Armed Forces and to everyone who continues to serve as Federal Employees!!!!
As there is no “perfect” candidate, we are making considerable strides and communication has vastly improved while Ben has been the RVP for Region IV. We are finally seeing some action even as some candidates may suggest we aren’t. I attend all of the weekly meetings with your RBAs and HQ Principal Reps. So I speak without prejudice or bias. FYI, per our constitution, there is no such title as an “Interim”. There has been a lot of information shared regarding the ACSA and GASA Staffing Models. We are currently in negotiations with the Agency per Article 70 of the CBA for the ACSA Staffing Model and currently in discussions with GASA & AFB regarding the other!
There are countless other issues we've been addressing since Ben volunteered to lead us months ago and was appointed unanimously as our Region IV Vice President by the PASS E-Board without rejection from any bargaining unit member. Ben fights for and leads from the front on many topics, i.e., the VCT discussions, weekly strategy discussions, UAS issues, working with PASS Legal regarding the CBA Negotiations, tirelessly holding the Agency Accountable regarding their COVID response or lack thereof at times, VSRP, AWC, revamping the Article 23 process to make it easier to apply, fighting for employee pay and benefits, currently negotiating with the Agency that they provide a national level KSN site to PASS as an electronic equivalent of a bulletin board per the CBA to ensure PASS messaging is current and consistent to the bargaining unit. His leadership was also instrumental in securing the RBAs Smart Leader Smarter Teams training so we may be more efficient with our communications and internal decision making process. Additionally, the RBA’s and I, are currently reviewing Position Descriptions for ACSA & GASA and the AST PDs have recently been negotiated with the Agency accepting our comments through his leadership. These are just a few of many discussion points which are documented and factual as he fights for our rights!
Ben is what we are as PASS. He has unquestioned (P)assion for delivering and fighting for our rights! He holds the Agency (A)ccountable! He’s (S)teady and (S)trong! That he and the current Region IV Leadership Team work hard for us daily is all I’m trying to say. I know Ben is the best candidate to lead Region IV as we face many future challenges and opportunities, so I urge you to join me in voting for Ben Struck for PASS Region IV RVP!!!
Ezra P. “Ez” Atkins
RBA, AFB-700, Civil Aviation Registry
PASS MMAC Safety Rep (AVS)
PASS National Safety Committee Member -
"[Ben's] approach is the opposite of shoot first, ask questions later: he makes sure he has the right ammo, weapon, and target before engaging."
— Lisa Cotham, Southwest RBA
Brothers & Sisters of Region IV:
I want to validate the rebuttal presented by RVP Ben Struck to the staffing model message we all received. As RBA for the legacy Southwest Region, I was in attendance at those discussions, and Ben's recollection is exactly right. Immediately upon reading that original message, I responded to the writer that his information was incomplete or inaccurate and asked to be removed from his mailing list.
Because I have seen and experienced Ben's leadership, I know he is the right person to lead Region IV and I endorse him for Region IV Vice President. In his seven months in office, Ben has been highly successful in professionally and methodically improving relations between PASS and Flight Standards leadership. His approach is the opposite of shoot first, ask questions later: he makes sure he has the right ammo, weapon, and target before engaging. This has had a direct impact on Flight Standards's reaction to the information we present them. He has improved communications with the Bargaining Unit. He has implemented new programs to help us better represent our Bargaining Unit Employees. He listens, is responsive and concerned with protecting your rights. Please vote for Ben Struck for Region IV Vice President.
Lisa Cotham
RBA, Southwest Region
Baton Rouge FSDO