Reelect Ben Struck for Region IV Vice President

Region IV Members:

I want to thank you for the opportunity to be your PASS Region Vice-President and I am reaching out to you to ask for your continued support. I have officially submitted my name for nomination and I am pleased to share that I am running for re-election for Region IV Vice President of our Union.


Since I began in this role, together, we have grown our Region to record membership numbers, demonstrated continued solidarity against the Agency, and improved our relationships and communications throughout our organization.


At the bargaining table, we have made great strides improving our collective bargaining agreement, our CBA or contract. Throughout our contract negotiations, I have directed the entire bargaining team that our vision should be to formulate a new contract that will be best for all the employees Region IV represents in AVS, or as we say "PASS 4 ALL!" The entire team is anxious to share the fruits of our labors with you and while the Agency has made it so that we haven't quite crossed the finish line, we are committed to securing a contract that meets the needs of our workforce, now and in the future.


Together, our focus has been our contract negotiations and increased membership, and more Union and member engagement in our workgroups, committees, and initiatives. We have been resolute on those goals and strive for continuous improvement every day.


We continue to engage active members on our invitations to Article 23 workgroups and committees. We continue to have input with the ASTARS workgroup on staffing. We provide meaningful feedback to the press and to Congress on issues impacting our workforce, including ensuring language beneficial to PASS members is incorporated into legislation. We have represented PASS on industry panels. We continue to play a vital role in the Voluntary Safety Reporting Program (VSRP) and our members have worked side-by-side with management to develop and implement corrective actions based on issues you, the workforce, has reported through that system. Region IV responds regularly to requests from the National Office on topics relevant to our members and our workforce and we provide meaningful context and information to support the needs of PASS National.


Through my leadership, I continue to be invited to participate in Town Halls and All-Hands meetings; beyond just what’s required in the statute or our CBA. We continue to develop those relationships and show that PASS is an important part of the AVS organization ensuring the Union is providing consistent reliable information in various forums relevant to the workforce. That progress must not be lost; it’s critical that there be a face of PASS representing our membership on those calls and at those meetings.


On the Horizon:

We have more to do, more improvements to make, and continued growth for PASS is on the horizon.


In my next term, in addition to ensuring our Representatives are trained on the new contract following ratification by the membership, I'd like to begin to focus on a few areas to continue to grow our Union. Together, we will continue to develop & mentor our representatives to ensure they have the resources necessary to resolve problems and effectively represent the employees in their offices.


In my next term, I plan to increase information sharing and transparency across Region IV using tools and technologies to more efficiently get relevant information to our Representatives and members. This will allow us as a Union to more effectively respond to the continued changes, policy updates, and organizational impacts resultant from Agency decisions.


I also plan to strengthen and improve our relationships in industry, including with our labor partners. I want to continue to promote PASS as a great Union to industry and to the aviation public and demonstrate the strength, expertise, and professionalism of our membership and our Union.


I continue to believe that “it’s about We. What’s best for We, the Union and We, the membership? I believe that together “We” can continue to grow Region IV and grow the PASS Union to be stronger than ever”.


I look forward to continuing to serve the membership and PASS and serving as your Region IV Vice President. I invite you to visit my website and I humbly ask for your vote.


Ben Struck

Region IV Vice President

Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS)


Happy Independence Day!


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