Endorsement to VOTE for Ben Struck from Ezra Atkins
Region IV,
I am pleased to share the following message and endorsement from Ezra P. Atkins (Ez), Chair of the PASS National Organizing Committee and AFB-700 Regional Business Agent (RBA).
Greeting members of Region IV,
CBA Preamble: “The true measure of the Parties’ success will not be the number of disagreements the Parties resolve, but rather the trust, honor and integrity with which the Parties jointly administer this Agreement.”
In brief, I would like to share some language with the members of the bargaining unit that’s very important! There have been some inaccurate statements made regarding our contractual rights and I would like to address the process of our “Grievance Procedure” and how it is administered. Appendix II – Grievance Procedure Officials in the CBA outlines the appropriate steps and who the Union and Agency Official levels are.
Step 1: Grievance may be submitted by the employee or the Union to the appropriate Agency official and if the employee or the Union is not satisfied with the response at Step 1, it may be elevated to Step 2.
Step 2: Grievance may be submitted by the employee or the Union to the appropriate Agency official and if the employee or the Union is not satisfied with the response at Step 2, the grievance may be elevated to Step 3 by the Regional Business Agent (RBA) to be reviewed at the Grievance Resolution Meeting (GRM) to discuss and attempt to resolve grievances identified in this process. The grievance should be fact based with evidence to support our position on contractual violations, not hearsay.
Step 3: If the RBA is not satisfied with the Agency’s written response after the GRM, they may request the Agency’s response be reviewed by the PASS National Office for Step 4 consideration. During that time, that is when the Region IV Vice President (RVP) or Ben in this case, advocates for the employee (based on the facts presented) once the Step 3 written response has been received from the Agency. The RVP will then contact PASS Legal to advocate for the employees and ultimately the President of PASS will make that determination if a grievance will be addressed at STEP 4/arbitration, not the RVP.
Information is important, but what’s more important is the “Process or Procedure” negotiated per our current collective bargaining agreement (CBA). It’s important to know “YOUR” rights! Region’s 1, 2, 3, and 5 RVP’s address Step 3 grievances, not the Region IV VP, that’s handled at my level (RBA) per the CBA.
Also, telework is a voluntary arrangement agreed upon by the employee and their front-line manager/immediate supervisor per Article 51 of the CBA. The strategy from the National Office was established so we were all on the same page and Ben shared that strategy with the Region IV leaders. The strategy shared was the most appropriate and correct one to address our individual telework contractual concerns but now suddenly, it’s Ben’s fault which is bizarre. The misinformation consistently shared is not a fair representation of the facts and it divides us more likely than not. Take it from someone who filed 389 individual employee grievances to protect those rights! Its unfortunate Ben is being characterized negatively by some who states he’s not fighting for us. It’s a matter of FACT, that he follows the contract and protect our rights so “WE” as your elected representatives must do better as we execute those contractual rights with pin needle precision! In summary, while the FAA is not obligated to agree with every resolution proposed by the union initially, they are generally bound by the grievance procedure outlined in the CBA. If both parties agree on a resolution during that process, it is typically enforceable unless contested further through arbitration or another formal dispute resolution mechanism specified in the CBA.
As I always mention, there’s no “perfect” candidate…not the President of PASS, Secretary Treasurer, any other RVP, or candidates who are running for office. They all have weaknesses to be exposed but we must carry ourselves beyond approach. Positive energy is addictive! I ask that you support, endorse, tell whatever positive story you may have to members and most important, vote and re-elect Ben as the Region IV VP!
My mother…may she rest in peace, always shared a quote from Charles William Eliot that stuck with me "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."
Ezra P Atkins (Ez)
PASS National Organizing Chairman
Chapter OK3 President
Regional Business Agent (RBA), AFB-700
Region IV Safety Committee Member
MMAC OSHECCOM Vice Chairperson (labor)(PASS AVS)