Fellow Region IV members- Let's continue to win!
Region IV: I am humbled to share this kind message of endorsement from Faye Brooks, AFS-200 Division Representative.
Fellow Region IV members,
I am writing this email in enthusiastic support of Ben Struck who is seeking reelection as PASS Region IV Vice President. For the past 4 years, I have worked closely with Ben. I can honestly and confidently attest to his exceptional dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment to serving the bargaining unit employees of Region IV. During Ben's tenure, he has consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of the challenges faced by our membership and has tirelessly advocated for our rights and interests. His ability to navigate complex issues, effectively manage Region IV’s budget (with record increases in membership), bargain per Article 70 and the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute on matters not expressly covered by the CBA and protecting our grievance procedure per Article 5 of the CBA to hold the Agency accountable has been instrumental in achieving significant improvements in our workplace conditions, benefits, and overall member satisfaction.
Our Vice President exhibits a genuine passion for representing Region IV members with integrity and fairness. He has shown a remarkable ability to listen to diverse perspectives, foster collaboration, and uphold the democratic principles that are fundamental to PASS’s values. His inclusive approach has strengthened solidarity among the Region IV Leadership Team and empowered us to confront challenges collectively. In addition, his leadership has been marked by transparency within the Region IV Leadership Team. As a strategic thinker, he adjusted the weekly meeting schedule to enhance engagement, and maximized the effectiveness of discussions and decision-making processes to address emerging issues affecting our members. I believe the decision to adjust the meeting frequency was the right decision to make. Ben has always stressed that we can contact him directly anytime of the day or night through his personal cell phone or email for issues outside our meeting space. I have contacted him, and he has kept his word. There has never been a time that he and/or his assistants did not get back to me in a timely manner, with an answer. Because of Ben’s dedication to PASS, I chose to become an advocate for PASS. I gave/given it my all and was re-elected as the Division Representative and have recruited numerous members. Though no leader is perfect, Ben is perfect for us. I would not represent PASS, or Ben if I did not believe in him.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Ben Struck for “reelection” as Region IV Vice President. I humbly ask my fellow members to keep the continuity of President Spero and Vice President Ben Struck on the Executive Board. By advancing our union's goals and advocating for every member, they have proven to be a winning team. Let’s continue to win.
Faye A. Brooks
Aviation Safety Inspector
AFS-200 Division Representative